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Community Safety, Ownership & Wealth


Policy & Policing

Purpose: To gain an understanding of current policing systems & policies with the sole purpose to propose written resolutions and amendments that may better protect the physical and mental safety of BIPOC communities, transform the standard of policing, and increase accountability for law enforcement officials.

Housing & Economic Development

Purpose: To provide resources and educate the community on the many paths to homeownership and seek/fight for affordable & adequate temporary housing (rentals) for the underrepresented BIPOC. Share information and ways to build the local economy by supporting Black owned and small businesses. 

Financial Literacy

Purpose: To provide resources, share opportunities, and educate the community on how to manage money, invest, earn passive income, and understand how IRS taxes work so everyone has the tools needed to have a healthy relationship with money and achieve financial stability and/or financial freedom.

Education & Health Improvement



Purpose: Educating the community and providing helpful resources through public events, workshops, programs, schools, public forums and more! Combat historically oppressive school systems by creating educational content, spaces, and opportunities in which we provide accurate recounts of Black and Indigenous People’s history in America and how it has impacted the current day to youth and educators within the local K-12 school system to give students and staff the tools to better understand, respect, honor, and learn from American history.  AND…

Educate the community on the importance of identifying and addressing their own implicit racial biases on an individual basis and as a collective and share ways of reconciliation.


Mental Health Awareness

Purpose: To provide access to resources, educate, lobby for better mental health representation in WA State BIPOC communities including but not limited to WA based Jails/Prison Systems, along with combating the stigmas of mental illness/awareness within the BIPOC community when it pertains to Mental Health.

Black Health

Purpose: To provide access to resources, medical professionals, naturopaths, and malpractice attorneys to BIPOC families and individuals. Black women in particular are misdiagnosed at alarming rates when faced with major health risks and concerns. Similarly, most women are ignored/ when expressing abdominal and/or uterus cramping; often told their menstrual-like pain is normal or if pregnant, "your body is made to do this" and they will be fine. Always ask your care provider for their differential diagnosis after you share your symptoms. Then ask for the evidence that supports their conclusion/assumptions.

Celebrating & Representing BIPOC


Celebrating Black and Indigenous People of Color

Purpose: To encourage people to remember and embrace the voices, culture, history, work, art, success, resilience, and hope of Black people, and/or Indigenous people, and/or people of color. Not all BIPOC have the same history, culture, or experience so it is important to honor each group of people separately when appropriate and always respectfully. LegallyBLACK proudly organizes and hosts public events like our annual Juneteenth Celebration, the Black Light: an open mic night, Black History Jeopardy game night, and will soon have visual & performing arts exhibits.   

Networking and Representation

Purpose: To establish and build  rapport with elected/appointed officials, first responders, business owners, activists & other like organizations, and philanthropists.

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